Monday, March 28, 2011

My Life

My life of late has been quite simple...


The only interesting one is the sewing, and yesterday after a great day at the home of one of my C-R-A-F-T girls I finished my quilt top.

Now the photo doesn't really do the colours justice. And it still needs a thin border. But it is pretty much done and I am over the moon about it! It has been way too long since I have finished a top. Of course, it still needs to be quilted, but I am going to wait until I have my new machine to do that. :)

On the Achilles front, it is healing. Slowly, but it is getting there. I am still in the moon boot, but the swelling subsiding, and I am not having any pain. It is a long process but I am willing to take th time.

Oh, I almost forgot....

I went and had a Reiki session done on the weekend. It was fantastic. :) I also had a reading done which was very illuminating. :) I also spoke with her about my eiki 2 and hopefully I will get working on that in the next couple of months. :)


Monday, March 21, 2011


I have decided to move forward with my Reiki and am currently looking for a new Reiki Master to bring me into Reiki 2 level. I am going to have a session with someon on the weekend and if I click with her I will set up a time to do my Level 2.

I loved the person who brought me through my Reiki 1, however she has proved to be difficult to contact and pin down for the next level. So I have made the decision to find someone else, rather than waiting for her as I have been doing for a few months.

I am really excited about this and really feel it is the right time for me to be doing this.

I am focussing on all things spiritual right now, so expect to see more of this type of thing here.



Friday, March 18, 2011

One Week Bald

And how do I feel?


It is amazing how quickly I have become accustomed to have next to no hair. Although I swear I can feel my ponytail quite often. I am having phantom ponytail pains... LOL

This week has been a lot about settling back down now that the fundraising is all over.

And about trying to get used to my new look. I have a very cool pink cowboy hat! LOL

I am still a bit all over the place with it all. I miss my hair like you wouldn't believe, but I look at photos and wonder if I should have long hair. It might be easier to manage but is it really me?  I guess now is the time to find out who "me" is.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thoughts on Society

I have been on the invalid list for a few weeks now, and in that time I have developed some very strong opinions about society. Well, stronger than I previously had... :)

People under 30 are rude.

Now if you are under 30 and not rude, I apologise. Please don't take offense. This is based on my observations on my side of town.  Here is where my observations come from.

In the 3 weeks I have had crutches or the boot/stick combo I have caught busy public transport no fewer than 10 times. 50% of those trips I had to stand. Not one person offered me a seat. Groups of young (mostly under 25) men and women are more than happy to stare at me, give me odd looks, and talk about me (yes blondie, I heard you talking about the fat, bald chick with the cane) but not one of them thought to offer the invalid with the boot and walking stick a seat.

A few times I did get offered a seat.

One of those times I politely declined the seat being offered as the lady was over 70. Sweet thing thought I should be sitting. I declined saying she should stay there. The other 15 people around us watched the exchange (again, mostly under 30) and not one of them offered me their seat.

The other 4 or 5 times I got offered a seat. Each time I felt guilty as the person doing the offering was over 40 (often over 50), however I gratefully took the seat (it was at night and I was tired).

A few times the tram has not been especially busy and I have been offered a seat near the aisle or door - all by people over 25.


I keep dropping this blasted walking stick when trying to do a gazillion other things. In the supermarket, restaurants, post office, standing in line, on the tram.  Each time that it has been picked up by someone else, that person has been over 40.

Lots of people stare at the thunk it makes as it hits the ground, but can any of them pick it up? No. I have even had people (again, all young) step over it and give me filthy looks for getting in their way!

Now I have always been a seat giver and a picker-upper (both scientific terms) ;) And I don't expect everyone to be the same. I also don't expect a seat on public transport, I am capable of standing for 30 minutes, although it is uncomfortable.

What has astounded me is the consistency of the ages that have offered me assistance, and who have ignored me. I have not once had a parent ask their child to stand so I could sit (we were ALWAYS made to stand for elders, even if they were not on a stick). And not one person under the age of 30 has ever offered anything in the way of assistance.

I know not all people under 30 are like this. I have many close friends in this age bracket who I know would happily stand or offer assistance. I just find these results interesting and wanted to share.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well, not much has been happening in the world this way of late. The Shave was so full on and took so much out of me in the lead up that I am taking some time to chill and to get used to the new "do". :)

I spent a lot of the weekend with Ness and her girls who came over from Melbourne to support me in my Shave. It was so great to see them and to have that support.

I have been doing lots of sewing finally. I am really enjoying getting back into it.  Today a few packs of Charm Sqaures arrived that I forgot I had even ordered! I love it when that happens. :)

My Achilles is slowly healing. I am still wearing the boot and still using a walking stick. But the pain and the swelling are decreasing. Which is good. 

I have been reading lots of spiritual and self-help books of late and am using this to try and get the insides all fixed so I can then focus on the outsides.

I am not posting much as I am really pretty boring at the moment. Between Physio appts and work, there isn;t a whole lot happening. And I am loving it. :)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Random Facts About Kylie

In an effort to alleviate boredom and to try to keep my mind off of tomorrows Shave, I decided to share a list of rand tidbits about me.


-          I have a dolphin tattoo on my shoulder
-          I am afraid of all spiders, even the little teeny ones.
-          I hate buttons. Hate them. Won’t touch them if possible
-          I love ice cream. I could eat it all day every day and never get sick of it.
-          I have been to Uni twice and TAFE 4 times and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
-          My little toenails are shaped like claws and if I let them grow can not cut them unless I use pruning shears
-          I love office supplies and stationery
-          Pink is my favourite colour
-          My house is in a constant state of disarray. I can never seem to get on top of it.
-          I have been a vegetarian for 17 months
-          I have always wanted to sky dive but think bungy jumping is nuts
-          I have a ghost cat that lives with me. She has been with me for the last 4 places I have lived in.
-          I was hit by a car when I was 5
-          I have a brother and a sister
-          My husband and I collect Beanie Kids. Between us we probably have over 40 of them
-          My dad died when I was 8
-          I only learnt to cook a couple of years ago
-          I love to bake cookies (unfortunately I also love to eat them)
-          I love hippie clothes but am too embarrassed to wear them because of my size
-          I have 3 cats and one of them hates me
-          I love cheese
-          I wear glasses at work
-          I hate wearing shoes
-          My favourite flowers are calla lilies and tulips
-          I hate driving. I can do it and do do it, but I would rather walk, ride or catch public transport where possible
-          When I was little I wanted to be a Radio DJ. As a teen I was on our school radio program but I do not have a good radio voice
-          I really want to see a UFO

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I am going BALD!!!!!

Well, I did it.

I raised over $5000 for the Leukaemia Foundations Worlds Greatest Shave and on Friday afternoon my head is being shaved!

Thank you to everyone for your support.  You are all amazing, and yes there will be photos.

It is not too late to send a donation. Please click here if you still want to help out.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

8 Days and Counting

Well, with only 8 days to go I am only $759 away from my goal of raising $5000 for the Leukaemia Foundation via the Worlds Greatest Shave. I have to admit, I am a bit stunned that I have made it this far, but I am confident that I will raise the money needed to hit my target. In some ways I am really really excited that I have been able to do this amazing thing for the Leukaemia Foundation. In other ways I am scared shitless about being bald... LOL

The good news is that less than 2 weeks after dying my hair blonde, I can see quite significant black roots, so as least I know my hair will grow back reasonably quickly. :)

This weekend - since I had to pull out of the scheduled Rogaine due to crutches - I am going to spend a day at my Mums to get some sewing done. I haven't worked on the 2 quilts I am doing for quite a while (since December I think) so it is time to get a few more blocks done. I am half way through the first sewing of the blocks. Once they are done I need to cut them into 4 and resew them up in different orders. How I love quilting. Cut it up, sew it up, cut it up again. LOL. Quilters will get that. :)

Lots of other things going on over here, but nothing really worth reporting in on. Will take some pics of the progress of the sewing on the weekend. :)


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just call me Crutches Girl

Yep, I am on crutches for the next 2 weeks. I decided to go to a new Physio (since my old one seemed to suck big time). He is getting an ultrasound done to check the damage (something the other guy did not do) and has put me on crutches for 2 weeks to take me completely off of it.  They suck, but it has to be done.

Back at work after my long weekend and it is busy as. I need a new career.

Speaking of new careers... :)

One of the decisions I made while away was about study.  As you know I was enrolled to do a BA in Visual Culture through OUA. I was doing it out of interest, not to make a career change.

I have decided to withdraw from this course and am now going to be studying in the field of natural health. Naturopathy to be exact. I am really excited about it. I have been interested in Natural Health for ages (as in 15-20 years) but never did it because of the $$ involved. Now a lot of it is covered by VET FEE-HELP which means I can study now and pay later (which is what I was going to do at Uni anyway).

I am excited to start learning and to start putting what I learn into practice.

I am actually going to a Naturopath tomorrow as well. The appointment has been booked for a couple of weeks.

It is time to get this body healthy. If I can't exercise I will eat well. I will do as the Physio says and the Naturopath says. And I will be healthy. :)
