Sunday, January 3, 2010

Daily Ramblings

The first few days of this year have been really nice and relaxing.  I have spent time with friends, had lots of good food, relaxed, and just chilled out.  Tomorrow I am back to work, so 'real life' will begin again.  I have not been so good with my training plan this week.  I missed 3 of the 6 sessions, which is not good enough.  But hopefully being back into the routine of work this week will also put me back into the routine of exercise.

Tonight I made Grilled Polenta to have with dinner.  It was really yummy.  I have had it once before at Mum's house, but it was ages ago.  We weren't very hungry so we just had it on it's own, but it would be great as a side with something else.  Even just a bowl of mixed veg.

This morning I sat down and wrotre out some Operation Beautiful Post Its. 

I have done 10 of them and they are stuck in my diary which is always with me.  The plan is to put them up in Ladies Rooms as I visit them, and I also want to put some in diet and self-help books in the library next time I go.  I haven't actually put any of these up yet, so I am excited to be able to do this.  I just hope that they reach some people who need to read it.  The messages I put are:

Beautiful = YOU
You are BEAUTIFUL. Just as you are.
You are BEAUTIFUL.  Believe it.  Own It.  Because it is TRUTH.
SMILE!  Because you are BEAUTIFUL.  And your smile lights up the room.
You are a Beautiful person.  INSIDE & OUT.  Never forget it.

That's it from me for now.  I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year.



Violet Cream said...

I love operation beautiful. I still I have my post it note on my bathroom mirror that makes me smile everytime I look at it.

Glad to see you thinking about settling back into a routine.

Find my way back said...

I love the post it note idea. How wonderful is that.