Friday, April 16, 2010

Just a quick one

Sorry about being absent this week. That tummy bug I had on the weekend came back and brought it’s tummy bug friends to party. Today is the first day I am starting to feel human again.

So I haven’t ridden, or run, or done anything really, other than lay on the couch and moan. I have made a few short trips into work, just because the stress about the work piling up was making the tummy clenches worse. But mostly, I have been laying on the couch and moaning.

Of course, now Ross has it, although his seems to be much milder thankfully. We were planning a big bike ride this weekend, but I would say it is unlikely either of us will be capable, but we will see how we feel on Sunday.

Hope everyone has had a fabulous week. I will catch up on all your blogs soon.



Anonymous said...

I hope you both feel better soon xoxox

Em said...

Ooh yucky, I hope you and Rosster are feeling better ASAP!! xo

Trace said...

oh your poor thing hope your both feeling human soon and the weather holds out for a great ride on the weekend! ox trace

Kylie said...

Thanks Everyone
I am nearly better and Ross is getting there. We'll be fine. :o)