Thursday, August 26, 2010

Question Day!

1)  What was the last exercise you did?

2)  What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla?

3)  What is the last movie you watched?

4)  Do you like the heat?  If not, how do you deal with it?

5)  Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly?



Kylie said...

1) What was the last exercise you did?
2km walk this morning - see Mel, I did it! :o)

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla?
Quesadillas with spinach, mushroom and cheese

3) What is the last movie you watched?
Food Inc.

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it?
I like it but I also don't. I burn easily. I use lots of sunscreen and try and stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day.

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly?
I do lots. We turn off power points rather than leave appliances on standby, cycle or tram to work as much as possible, use rainwater rather than mains water, recycle everything possible, turn lights off when leaving the room, use both sides of printer paper unless it is an official document, avoid pre-bottled water where possible, reuse plastic bags, bottles and containers. The list is endless.
I am really looking forward to peoples answer to this one. :o)

Anonymous said...

1 ) Last exercise - riding this morning! It was great! Altho its a bit windy at the moment its a lovely time of year.
2) Favourite thing with a tortilla - tacos!
3) Last movie - Can't remember, it was on a plane tho
4) I prefer the heat to the cold - I put on lots of sunscreen, a hat, drink lots of water and stay out of the heat of the day. I have the worst tan lines in summer though from riding, running and swimming in the sun
5) I turn the lights off in the office and at home. We only use one car on the weekends...walk everywhere I can. I'm not as good as I could be for improvement

Emily said...

1) What was the last exercise you did?
4km walk last night : )

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla?
Quesadillas are delicious and I love fajitas with piping hot roasted capsicum, tomatoes, mushies and a touch of sour cream and salsa. Burritos are pretty good too!

3) What is the last movie you watched?
Um......The Godfather 3 lol OH made me watch them all coz I admitted to never seeing them

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it?
I do like the heat, but I burn easy too so I try and stay out of it when it's really hot, I like it to be warm enough to wear shorts or dresses, but not hot enough to roast me alive!

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly?
We use tank water at home, I print on scrap paper, turn power points off when not in use, recycle at work and at home, don't use plastic bags : )

Trace said...

1) What was the last exercise you did? Strength training and some bike intervals at the gym this morning.

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla? Enchiladas

3) What is the last movie you watched? Alice in Wonderland (with Johnny Deep)

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it? Yes Love it! the hotter the better i work, I think its been years of being a Goal keeper and playing in sumer heat! gotta love a good sweat fest!

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly? I turn off lights, and reusing bags, bottles and stuff, I think the best thing that I do is fix my old stuff, I don't go out and buy the latest and the great stuff I repair my old things, My toasted in 35 years old and is the best toaster ever! but I could always do more. ox Trace

Alibongo said...

1) What was the last exercise you did? Went on my dog walk/run this morning

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla? Nachos - with quorn mince and beans

3) What is the last movie you watched? Must Love Dogs on DVD last weekend.

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it? I don't mind it.

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly? 4 minute showers, turn off power points, use the worm farm compost bin.

Megan said...

1) What was the last exercise you did?
Big long walk with the dogs (Bazil in the dog pram for about half of it, Kali and I on foot!)

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla?
Occasionally use it as a pizza base, but I'm not a fan of Mexican food.

3) What is the last movie you watched?
I can't remember, possibly The Devil Wears Prada when it was on TV a couple of weeks ago. I've been focussed on election-TV recently, I'm a politics-geek.

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it?
Right now I'm tempted to say yes, because I'm SO over the cold and wet. But I burn and sweat easily, so the heat isn't often my friend either. I shun the sun as much as possible and use air conditioning and ceiling fans a lot.

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly?

I do enviro things such as turning off lights and appliances and not using much water... but I must admit it's more because I'm a tight wad with bills than because of an environmental conscience. I do grow my own herbs and shun chemicals and pesticides etc - but again, more of a health issue than an environmental one in general.

Em said...

1) What was the last exercise you did?
Ermm.. walked to the bus stop this morning.. 20 min walk?

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla?
Chicken burritos!

3) What is the last movie you watched?
Confessions of a Shopaholic

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it?
HATE IT #$*(# Cold showers, sitting my feet on ice packs, putting ice packs on my neck ... the ice packs REALLY help!

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly?
Umm... I can't think of anything?

Sarah said...

1) What was the last exercise you did?
Treadmill 30 mins.

2) What is your favourite thing to make with a tortilla?
Mexican beans, lettuce, tabouli, cheese and greek yoghurt.

3) What is the last movie you watched?
Julie and Julia.

4) Do you like the heat? If not, how do you deal with it?
I overheat and sunburn easily but tend to stay in airconditioned coolness a lot.

5) Is there something you do every day to be environmentally friendly?
Pick up rubbish.