Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oh What A Life

I just thought I would share this little snippet of a day in the life of a cat in our house. This is Shiva, our oldest girl. She curled up on MIL's lap, and when it started getting chilly & the quilt came out, she got primo position. On a lap, under a quilt. Seriously, how much better could life get...



Fat for a Triathlete said...

My dogs are like that. Even though they are 30 and 40kg each, they get the best spots...
I always wondered why my dog like the prime position on the couch (even though she knows she's not allowed up there...)

It was because it's right under the heater vent! Doh!
Oh, and they think they are lap dogs... ouchy!

Em said...

This pic honestly does not do her justice of just how bloody cute she is!!!!! If you hear an intruder in the night, just ignore it, it'll just be me stealing your cats :P :P :P xoox