Thursday, November 4, 2010

Question Day

1)  What do you like to do in your spare time?

2)  What is your favourite 4-legged creature and why?

3)  What is something you have done in your life that you are proud of?

4)  What country would you most like to visit and why?

5)  How is the weather where you are right now?



Kylie said...

1) What do you like to do in your spare time?
Well, how long can these comments go for???? I like quilting, reading, writing, photography, gardening, cycling, hiking, watching DVD's, snuggling with my fella, going for walks with Ross, going out for coffee/dinner with friends... That'll do for now. :o)

2) What is your favourite 4-legged creature and why?
Cats. Because they are soft & cuddly, they are pretty well self-sufficient, if they are naughty you can put them outside or shut them in the bathroom, and they have the cutest personalities.

3) What is something you have done in your life that you are proud of?
Oooh. This is a hard one. I think the 2 things I am most proud of is firstly my marriage. We have worked hard to make it a solid one and I believe we are doing really well. The other one is how I have gone from being a complete couch potato to being a reasonably active and healthy person. Considering I was 35 before I even began exercising in any real way, i think I have done really well.

4) What country would you most like to visit and why?
I have 2. Egypt because I have always been fascinated with the Pyramids. And Africa, because I want to go on a safari and see the wild animals close up (although not too close). I would also love to be able to meet people living in tribes, although I know that is rare.

5) How is the weather where you are right now?
Dunno, I am in an office with no windows. Hang on I'll go check...
Dreary and cold. :o)


Emily said...

1) What do you like to do in your spare time? We are always so busy that in my spare time if we are not out and about doing something or seeing something, I like to just sit and read a book in peace and quiet with a nice cup of tea!

2) What is your favourite 4-legged creature and why? I love dogs, I mean I love cats too but I love little dogs that just want to play and then are happy to snuggle up with you on the couch, they can have so much personality!

3) What is something you have done in your life that you are proud of? Buying my first home when I was 20 while all my friends were buying fancy cars.

4) What country would you most like to visit and why? I really want to go to Ireland, I just think it is so beautiful and would be really interesting to explore.

5) How is the weather where you are right now? Pretty overcast and everage actually!

Megan said...

1) What do you like to do in your spare time?
Baking, a bit of gardening, a movie or two (at the cinema, not at home. I don't have much patience for DVDs at home usually)

2) What is your favourite 4-legged creature and why?
Dogs, or more specifically, pugs. I love my german shepherd too, but pugs just have the funniest little look and personality about them.

3) What is something you have done in your life that you are proud of?
Winning a national trampolining title (or 3). Now I feel like a braggart!

4) What country would you most like to visit and why?
USA, particularly the east coast, and Canada. I like to travel, but I'm not a huge adventurer, so I'm drawn to places where they speak the same language. I think New York would be an awesome place to visit. For now though, I'm sticking closer to home in SE Asia and the Pacific.

5) How is the weather where you are right now?
I was going to say it's exactly the same as where you are Kylie... but those 2km must make a difference, it's sunny and a bit breezy out my window.

Trace said...

1) Spare time what the hell is that LOL well i have 5 mins at the moment and I am reading blogs so I guess its reading blogs. Or spending Time with Family!
2) I would have to say my dogs I just love them they know me and they know when i need a cuddle.
3) Ok this is a story, When I was 17 I was at school not popular not pretty not skinny, I was just trying to make my way through it. Anyway one of the girls that was in one of my classes was so upset. I asked her what was wrong and if i could help. She told me she was getting picked on by the "popular girls of the school" I told her that they are "f*&ked" and not to worry about people like that. Well what i said was over heard and before I knew it I had 4 girls in my face telling me off and to mind my own business, with the prettiest (and still is) most popular girl telling me that i am a gutless person and that I could not and would not even say it to her face. So that's what I did I told 4 girls that they were "Fucked" picking on people, and after I said it and realise that the world was not going to explode, I said it again louder and I added a dance.. LOL I have done heaps of things in my life that very profound, But this one is the first time I ever put me first and stood my ground for me. I think that i am a strong person for this moment.
4) everywhere and anywhere I love going overseas and finding out the history of places but I would love to go to Slovenia.
5)crap raining and overcast.
ox Trace

Fat for a Triathlete said...

1) What do you like to do in your spare time?
I'm like Trace, what spare time?? I actually just like to sit. By myself, or mindlessly in front of a black box. But just sitting. Still. Quietly, often...
2) What is your favourite 4-legged creature and why?
My puppies, for sure. So loyal, so happy, so forgiving. My best buds :)
3) What is something you have done in your life that you are proud of?
Growing up in my family and still being relatively well balanced!
Oh, and even though I don't think people with mental illness should have to hide, but being able to control mine so that no one really notices unless they live with me.
4) What country would you most like to visit and why?
I just want to see my own country. But I think I will vote for PNG. I want to walk Kokoda.
5) How is the weather where you are right now?
Sun's out from what I can see! Which is a nice change :D

Em said...

1) What do you like to do in your spare time?
Read, internets, shop, design-y stuff!

2) What is your favourite 4-legged creature and why?
FROGGYYYYY! Kinda obvious :p

3) What is something you have done in your life that you are proud of?
Gotten into uni and doing well at it :)

4) What country would you most like to visit and why?
Holland, cos it's so pretty!!

5) How is the weather where you are right now?

Unknown said...

Hi Kylie,
I like to create fiber art in my spare time. Let's see, my favorite 4 legged creature is a dog because they are loyal and faithful companions - serious! I am proud to be a good decent loving and compassionate person...a teacher is what I am who continues to learn from life's experiences. Essex, England is the place I would most like to visit to reunite with my brother, whom I've not seen in some 20 years. The weather here is rainy and chilly.