Monday, December 6, 2010

First Weigh In

Daily Quote
Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.
- Marilyn vos Savant

I got on the scales with extreme trepidation this morning. The weekends abundance of alcohol and junk food was playing on my mind...

Imagine my surprise when I saw a 900 gram loss!  *insert happy dance here*  I have no idea at all how that happened, but I will take it and hope the weekends activities don't come back and bite me on the bum this week. :)

Yesterday was spent cleaning up after the party, napping, and eating. Not the most productive Sunday on record, but a nice relaxing day.  Today I am eager to get back into things. My gym membership kicks in this week so I am going to try and get to either a Body Balance class or a Yoga class.  I'll have to check the timetables of the 2 nearest centres and see which class is the most convenient.

100 Days of Gratitude - Day 21
Today I am grateful for Bluebell, my bike. She is still suffering the after effects of her recent injury (where she got damaged by a random stranger while parked near work) but she is holding strong and being my reliable transport while I save up to get her fixed.



Unknown said...

congrats Kylie!!!


Trace said...

thanks Kylie I really need that quote today!hope u have a great Monday! congrats on the loss ox trace