Happy Veggie-versary to me!
Yes, today is my 6 month Veggie-versary. I can not believe that I have not had meat for 6 whole months. I do miss it sometimes. Like when I am watching Masterchef and they are making all these amazing dishes with meat as the feature. Or when I am starving and just want a hot dog. But on the whole it has been a great experience and something I will continue with. For now. :o)
I can't believe we have already gone through 4 months of this year. In some ways it has flown by but in others it seems to have taken forever. The older I get the quicker the years seem to pass me by. So, how did I go in April?
10 For 10 - April
1) Run/walk the Mothers Day Classic in May
I run this in 10 days. I have done the training and I am ready!
2) Ride at least 3000kms
I rode another 253.58kms which brings me to a grand total of 566.21kms for the year. Not quite where I should be, but a significant improvement on last month.
3) Finish the knitted blankets
I finished another 11 squares which takes me to a total of 70. Only 26 more to go then I can start putting these together!
4) Lose 30 kilos
I have not weighed in so I have no idea where I am at with this. My shape has definitely changed with all the running, but I am not sure that this has reflected on the scales. I'll weigh in next month!
6) Send at least one children's story to a publisher
The story is almost complete and I have chosen the Publisher. This will happen within the next 6 weeks. I am terrified, but excited all at the same time.
I am also 25 days into my Day Zero Project. The scariest thing about this project, is that I know that in 976 days I will be 40 years old. It is making my age seem very real to me! LOL I really need to complete between 2 and 4 things each month for this to work. This month I have completed 2 - I went to a Comedy Club, and I joined a Running Club (or am in the process of). However I have a lot of things that are 'in progress' so I am definitely moving forward with it.
That's it for me today. Tomorrow Ross & I are having a Date Day instead of a Date Night and are going to the Medieval Fair in Gumeracha. Thankfully there are buses out there so we can get there since our car is still basically a garage ornament. We went 2 years ago and loved it. We were meant to go last year as well, but today is the day, 1 year ago, that Ross's lung collapsed, so we weren't able to make it. Thankfully he is completely healed and we are looking forward to a great day tomorrow.
Have a great weekend everyone!