Monday, November 7, 2011

New Stuff, Music, Hexies, Study - Random Ramblings

I have been on a bit of a spending spree lately. New underwater camera. New lens for my Olympus. New car! Well, I don't have the car yet. I am picking it up on Thursday. I was meant to get it tomorrow, but the Sales man called today and said he got it serviced today and the clutch is on its way out, so they are going to replace it before I pick it up. YAY for an honest used car sales man! :) I bought a 2005 Hyundai Elantra. I balked a bit at spending that amount of money, but the car is fantastic and should last us many many years. I will post a pic when I pick up the car.

Yesterday I went to see my favourite local band - Spiral Dance - at a local pub. We had a fabulous afternoon. Great music. Great venue. Great company. Ended up at a Vegetarian restaurant in the city for dinner which was absolutely fantastic.

My hexie flowers, that as long time readers will know I have been working on for around 16 months, are finally finished! I laid them out (and forgot to take a photo) and have now started adding the green hexies to join them. Once I have a few together I will put a pic up for you.

And lastly my studies. How have they been going? Not too great I am afraid. I seem to have lost my motivation. I am nearly 2 months behind where I should be which is freaking me out quite a bit. But I think (read - hope) I am ready to get back into it. I am going to do one subject at a time so I can focus, and I will apply for a 3 month extension at the end if I need it. The main problem is that I want to do a 6 month photography course, which would be amazing, but I know I need to concentrate on what I am doing as this is what is going to get me away from where I currently am. Yes, it is hard. But I just have to knuckle down, suck it up, and get it done!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats on your new car!! The important question is what colour is it?

Your afternoon sounds great. In all the years I have been vegie I have never been to a restaurant. It's my dream to go to Bliss Cafe. Yes, I am behind the times!