Friday, November 20, 2009

Dreams of Running

I want to run... I dream of being able to run, to fly through bushes, using just my own legs for strength. I have always wanted to run, but I have never been able to...

I bought the book "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall this week. It was an impulse purchase. I was in the book store looking for vegetarian books, but this one drew me towards it. It is about a runner who goes in search of a lost tribe in Mexico. All of the tribe members are natural runners, doing ultra marathon distances week after week. The astonishing thing is that they never get injured.

I am only up to about chapter 7 or 8. But I am loving it so far. It is very well written, and it is awakening this desire within me to get out there and run.

Here's the thing. At my size, running HURTS! and it hurts badly. So if I seriously want to do this, I need to start thinking about my weight again. I am pretty sure I am sticking with the Vegetarian lifestyle. I enjoy the food, and I feel good. But vegetarian does not necessarily mean low fat or healthy. There are lots of high calorie options when going vego. :o)

We are approaching the silly season. The month of December also includes my birthday, my husbands birthday, my brothers birthday, and the birthdays of several close friends. So let's just get through these next 6 weeks as best we can. But then it is all systems go again. If I want to run, I need to lose weight. And believe me, this book is inspiring me to want to run.


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