Friday, February 5, 2010

Retail Therapy

Oh how I love retail therapy. I went to the shops today and bought a couple of books. I can’t do too much in the way of exercise right now – and I am quite surprised by the fact that I actually miss it – so I decided to get myself inspired so when I can get back to it I am ready and raring to go!

The book I bought is Running Hot by Lisa Tamati.

She is a New Zealand runner who has been competing in the big Ultra marathons on the States and all over the world. Her story is more interesting though, as she was advised to stop running at 19 when she nearly broke her back. Yet through determination she came back and is now up there with the best of them! I can not wait to read it!

The other book I bought was the Guide Book for the Southern end of the Heyson Trail.

Originally when we started talking about walking Heyson we decided to start at the top and make our way south bit by bit. It will take us years to do the whole thing if we do it 5 days at a time, but that’s okay. Eventually we know we will be able to say we have done the whole thing. However because access to the northern end it quite difficult to get to and we are on a serious budget this year, we have decided to start from the southern end. Easy access to the start and where we will finish by bus. It’s an area we are familiar with from camping. And it means that all things going well there is no reason we won’t be able to afford to do it this year!

I am really excited about this. I can’t wait until I can get back into training for it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll keep an eye out for the running one at the bookshop in the airport - I'll inspire myself while I'm hanging out at the pool :)