Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea

This morning I held my annual "Biggest Morning Tea" for the SA Cancer Council.  But first things first...

Last night Ross and his mate decided we should all go bowling.  I'll be honest, I didn't want to go, but I am glad I did.  We had a great night.

Ross used to bowl in a league so it was a great chance for him to dust off the bowling ball and strut his stuff in the lanes.  I am terrible at bowling, always have been.  I have a funny shaped thumb and struggle with the ball.  But I did okay and even ended up with a 94 in the last game, which I thought was pretty good.  The guys had a great night though and I think it is going to become a regular thing.

This morning was out Biggest Morning Tea.  We decided to make it different from last year so we had it in a park.  Luckily it was a beautiful autumn day and the sun was shining. There was so many yummy eats to choose from...

It was a great morning with great friends

And a couple of dogs! 
My niece Larissa enjoyed the food...

It was a really fun morning and we raised $90 for the SA Cancer Council which I was super stoked with.  Not quite as much as last year, but still a great effort considering how many people were there.  We had a few games with some lovely wine for prizes, but mostly just sat and chatted and ate some lovely food.  I really enjoy these morning teas, but I will have to think of something new for next year so that they don't get boring.

This afternoon I am going to relax for a couple of hours then Mum is coming up for dinner.  Ross has made his Tiramisu for dessert and I am making a Lentil Pilaf with a fresh green salad.



Linda50 said...

Kylie - I'm with you re the bowling. I have a very small hand and usually have trouble finding a ball with small enough holes. As a result I have also been known on several occasions to drop the ball behind me (when the holes are too big) - very embarrassing.
Your morning tea looks yummy - congrats on the amount you raised.

WWSuzi said...

If i lived closer i would have been there in a jiffy :)

Em said...

Sounds like a great morning tea, hun :) You should be proud of yourself! I really wanted to come but Bryan and I ended up pulling an all nighter on Friday night to finish painting his house for the tenant to move in on Saturday... We didn't get to go to sleep til past 9am and only got 3 hours or so in!! Eurgh! Next year I am definitely in!

Must catch up soon .. Friday night shopping??? xoxox