Don’t get me wrong, I have always had respect for working Mums, however the last month has amplified that significantly. Last night – as with most nights - I was up 3 times with Grandad. He is now having trouble getting out of bed on his own so lays on his bed and grunts until one of us gets up. I am the only one who hears him. MIL and Ross have both said to wake them up, but if I am already awake I don’t see the point in interrupting someone else’s sleep, they are exhausted as well.
This has only been going on for a month. How these women do it year after year, then still maintain full time jobs and social lives and keep a clean house amazes me. I am sure I will get more used to it as time goes on, but right know I am just tired beyond belief.
As such my exercise is suffering. Last night I got a lift home with my boss. The main reason for that is it was 10 degrees out and my clothes were still wet from the morning ride. So he dropped me off then picked me up again this morning. Which was lovely. I want to go for a run, but I am just so exhausted. And when I get home (tonight is Di’s craft night, the only time she gets out of the house all week) I have to get dinner and get Grandad organised and up, then cleaned up, and back to bed.
Tomorrow night I am thinking of riding to the library after work which will at least give me a 15km ride. And on the weekend I will make sure I get out for a run. And hopefully a yoga class as well.
Other than that nothing is happening in my part of the world. Still reading lots which is good. And knitting a bit when I get the chance. I have sold a few of my cards as well which is exciting. For those of you on Facebook check out the fan page called ‘photo cards by kylie ann’.
OK. Enough grumbling. Back to work now. :o)
Grumble away my dear... and remember, those mothers who keep it all together all the time... they are probably acting!!
I saw my bro and sis-in-law on the weekend to see how they're going with my beautiful 2 week old baby neice. They look like they have been run over by a steam roller. I agree with you - i have alot of admiration for mums and carers. Its not something i would sign up for :)
it gets easier as your body learns that you will never sleep more then 6 hours, and that is broken sleep at best, I have worked full time from when my daughter was 4months old, is it easy? no! i am i acting?, well if i am, the play is still going on! 3 years later. Now i am going back there to the 2 hour feeds in Feb wish me luck! ox Trace
You poor chickie!! That sounds so rough on you.. Sounds like you need some ear plugs so someone else wakes up first for once :P But then if no one else woke up that would be bad! :( Weird question but .. how come he has to go to the toilet so much in the night? Is that a 'getting older' thing?? xo
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