Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Look what I bought. I have always been curious about Sudoko but never brave enough to try them. Then I saw this beginners book and decided to grab it.

Actually, I know this is a pretty boring topic, but I needed to write about something as I am trying something new. I am emailing this via MMS from my phone, and I wanted to see if it would work. That way when I have something short & sweet to say, I can quickly send it. I'm thinking about weekends mainly, as that is when I usually have little things I want to talk about but am nowhere near my computer.

Anyway, I have wanted to learn how to Sudoko for a while, and now I can. If anyone is a Sudoko wizz and wants to give me pointers, I'm all ears. :o)



Trace said...

oh puzzles my fav! my only advise is that when you have fresh eyes on a problem it can be like there is no problem at all. Remember it is for your enjoyment not a task so when it gets frustrating put it down and come back to it later. Enjoy it thou, I get lost in those puzzles and put my head up hours later. ox Trace

Linda50 said...

I'm a Sudoku addict Kylie. I have an electronic one - but usually only get to do it when I am waiting for my coffee in my local coffee shop and on plane trips. It is harder to do than the paper versions as you can't put your "maybe" numbers in the box. You have to actually work out the correct number before you put it in.
I have just discovered I can get FB on my phone for free and also have $10 worth of download time on my new plan so I can access the www if I so desire.