Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shopping, Cycling, Bowling and Maybe Hiking

Friday night Ross, the MIL & I decided to go out for dinner since we are currently old person free.  We went to the Central Markets in the city.  We had a really yummy meal then spent some time wandering around enjoying ourselves.  We went into the Asian Grocer (how I love that shop) and fell in love with these cool little teacups.

They come with a lid to keep your tea warm, as well as an insert to hold your tea leaves while your brew your tea.

When the tea is ready you just lift out the insert to drain, then you can put the lid back on and keep your tea nice and hot.  I love it and we all got one.

I also got the awesome granite mortar & pestle.

MIL has one the same and I have fallen in love with using it while I have been here.  So she bought me one of my very own!

Yesterday morning was cycling day.  I had to go to the library and then I had to deliver my large "Photo Cards by Kylie Ann" order.  Everything fit in the pannier so off I headed.  I got to Jeanette's in good time and we sat in her beautiful back yard and had a drink and a chat. 

On the way home I took myself along the Linear Park Bikeway along the Torrens and down to the beach.  I SO wish I had thrown my camera in my bag.  There were so many fantastic things to photograph along the way.  All I had was my phone and the camera on that is not so flash. 

However I had to use it to capture this...

When Ross & I started riding this path about 2 years ago this portion of the River was almost a dry bed.  There was a thin trickle about 1 metre wide in the middle but that was it.  SA is by no means out of drought danger, but this sight was so amazingly encouraging.

I had the bike almost at the rivers edge.  The only reason I didn't go closer with the thick mud.  I had an awesome ride and clocked up just over 42 kms.  It has been a long time since I have done a ride like that and I loved it.  Surprisingly, I am not too sore today which is great.  Next weekend I will get out there and do it again.

Last night was our work social night.  There are only 4 of us in the company, and 2 of those are married, so even with partners there was only 6 of us.  We went to dinner then bowling.

We had a really good night.  I am lucky to work with some really good people.  Normally our social event are children friendly since they all have kids under 6.  But I pushed for a kid-free event.  Not that I don't like their kids, but when they are there, because they are all so young, the whole thing becomes about watching kids, and feeding kids, and disciplining kids (the boss has twin year old boys), and even just plain talking about them.  Very boring for childless people.  So last night was a real treat.

Today the plan was to climb Mount Lofty.  However my achilles (actually it is a spot right next to my achilles rather than the achilles itself) is still sore so we kinda figured that a 4km walk up the steeped mountain in Adelaide may not be a good idea.  So we decided to go to Shepherds Hill Recreation Park instead.  It is still hilly, but not as steep.  The only problem is that it has been steadily raining all morning.  We are still going to get ready, and hope for the best.

I'll leave you with a pic of Ross 'Cat Trapped' in bed this morning.



Deb BC said...

LOL I love the cat pic, Kylie! My cat that sleeps on my bad is biggish (i.e. he'd weigh around 6kg), but it's amazing how when he lodges himself against a leg in bed, I just can't move!

Linda50 said...

Kylie - glad you managed to get out for a meal and the markets and hope you do manage to get your hike in.